Summer 2024 Programs

Remember for all Winning Ways programs there is a Family Discount Available:


2 family members less  5%;

3 members less 7.5%; over 3 family members less 10%

July 8-12 Stampeder Camp

Stampede riders are beginners or those with 2 years or less of lessons; Coach and horse handlers will conduct this camp.

Little people (under 10 years old therefore require horse handlers), Just Starting riders have a 1 hour class/day AM only;  5 weekdays = $225/rider; minimum 2 riders maximum 3 riders. Two classes/day possible—parents may choose time.

Children 9 years & up—1.5 hour with horses, plus theory, craft or games during other hour; 2.5 hours/day (1:30 – 4 PM) X 5 weekdays = $375 Minimum 3 riders maximum 6 riders


Evening Class (6:30-8 PM) Adult & Youth Beginners 1.5 hours/day X 4 days (M-Th)= $280  Minimum 3 riders maximum 4 riders  Assistants help with saddling; if a horse handler is not required deduct $10/day

July 29-Aug 2 Roughrider Camp

Roughriders are 10 years & over and have over 2 years of experience (they must be able to trot in a controlled manner around obstacles). Camp will be held 8 a.m. - noon (try to beat the heat!)  English & Western Riding & Bareback!

4 hours with the horses/day X 5 days $550

Minimum 4 riders Max 6 riders


Evening Class (6:30-8 PM) Adult & Youth Riders 1.5 hours/day X 4 days (M-Th)= $250  Minimum 4 riders maximum 6 riders  Assistance to help with saddling, no horse handlers

July 15-July 26  AND Aug 12-Aug 23  Summer Schools

(clients can choose their days)

Summer School programs are designed to suit the needs of clients.  Summer School classes are organized so all members of the family/group go together with one coach. Horse handlers & assistance if needed—riders under 10 require horse handlers, this increases the cost by $10-15/day.  Summer Schools are typically 5 weekdays, but special arrangements can be made for 3 or 4 day schools.  

1-hour/day X 5 weekdays = $225/rider Minimum 2 riders Max 4; 5-8 year-olds (Cost includes horse handler)

1.5 hour/day X 5 weekdays = $250/rider  Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family); 8 years and up (under 10 years old requires a horse handler, cost increased by $10/day)

2 hours/day X 5 weekdays= $375/rider  Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family); 9 years and up (under 10 years old requires a horse handler, cost increased by $10/day)

Half Days 2.5 hours/day X 5 weekdays = $450/rider  Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family); 9 years and up (under 10 years old requires a horse handler, cost increased by $15/day)

Afternoons 3 hr./day X 5 weekdays=    $500/rider w/o handler; ADD $15/day if horse handler required; Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family)


Whole Day 5 hr./day X 5 weekdays=$750/rider Minimum 10 years of age; Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family)

Fall Series of Lessons starts Saturday, Aug 24, 2024

To register for these 6 weekly lessons please contact Coach Kelly.

Prairie & Forest Equestrian Club Show August 25, 2024

Students planning to enter the P&F Show must reserve a horse at least 6 weeks in advance and plan to ride a minimum of 2 times/week for a month prior to the Show.  A schooling show will be held at Winning Ways the weekend prior to the P&F Show.