The yard animals
The dogs

There are several dogs living on the ranch at the moment. Louvic and Alex are Winning Ways dogs. Chuck, Charlie & Kiva belong to helpers. Louvic is an old, mostly deaf Australian shepherd mix. He appears rather lazy in the summer, but if you had that heavy coat to carry around when it's warm, you'd hide in the shade too! Alex is the son of Louvic, who would also like to be a circle dog but he has not had the training his dad received. It appears that Alex is also becoming deaf or his hearing is very selective!! Louvic and Alex like to play with a stick and they LOVE cuddles. They will not lick you because they know that is forbidden.
The other dogs at the ranch have had to go through a training process to be allowed to roam more freely around the Winning Ways yard.
Eb'ny is the puppy the Granddaughters have been training for Grandma. She will arrive at Winning Ways in May. She is to become the new guard dog since the old boys no longer hear the coyotes howl. She is a Pyrenees cross.

The chickens

The chickens who live at Winning Ways have their own chicken house (not pictured). Since the chicken house is in one of the sheep pens, volunteers and others going to pick up eggs, frequently had to defend the egg pail in their hand from marauding sheep. Since the arrival of Avian flu to our province, we have been advised to keep all fowl inside so there is no comingling with wild birds that may have the disease. The chicken house is too small to keep many hens, so the chickens are living in the old log barn.
The pot-bellied pig

Wilbur is a much happier piggy in the summer when he has a big outdoor pen to roam in and root up. In the winter he has to live in the barn in a small pen with lots of straw to keep warm. He loves to be fed green plants and occasionally allows people to scratch his bristly hide.

The sheep

There are 5 ewes at Winning Ways and we hope that since they have been with Ramses most of the winter, they will be mommas in the spring. Easter is not the healthiest ewe, she was seriously ill last spring and has lasting damage to her lungs. The ewes are halter trained, not because we like to lead sheep (although it is very handy when you wish to move them) but for lambing.
The cats

The ranch has 4 barn cats of different ages and colours who are supposed to live outside all year long and keep the yard mouse-free and clean up table scraps. This winter, Thor (rocket cat) and Flat Face have been allowed to stay in the porch. Loki & Ocelot stayed outside as they are very wild, but will stay in the cat house. Two cats are allowed in the house, one is a giant white feline that we gave a home to, when his former owners had to move. Originally named Fluffy he is known variously as the dog-cat, the naughty marshmallow or the fat cat. The other resident cat is old Joker who has been injured and ended up in the house to recuperate.

The rabbit

There is only one bunny who lives in either the winter hutch or the more open summer pen. Burrito is the bunny that my granddaughter gifted me when her doe had kits. This is the most "velveteen rabbit" you will ever stroke. She is generally very curious and interested in people. Especially ones that have carrots!