The cows and bison

Buffy is a bottle raised bison who lives on the ranch. She is a tame bison, raised by humans and therefore she thinks she is a human as well. Buffy will allow (that's the correct word) you to scratch her and even touch her horns. However she can also do the silliest "dance" that can be fairly intimidating. She lives either with the cows or with one of the horse herds on the ranch. She always watches us when we fix fences in her area. Sometimes she blocks the water trough so the cows cannot drink until she allows them to come up.
The cows live close to the home ranch yard in the spring so they may be observed while calving. During calving time, we check them a few times a day and make sure all the mother cows and the calves are doing alright. In the summer time, after all the calves are born, we take the herd to the summer pasture and they graze there until November or December, depending on the grass, water and snow situation. For the winter the cows live in the paddocks eating hay, the bulls have to stay in the pens and so do the calves.