Rookie Riders

Rookie Riders is a program to introduce children (ages 5 - 11) who have never ridden before to experience the joy of equestrian sport in a dynamic. fun-filled program. Rookie Riders is specifically designed to teach all the skills necessary to safely mount and dismount a horse .…
.… before being introduced to a horse for the first time!
Participants Learn About
Learn about horses and how to safely interact with them
Fundamental Movement Skills
Develop Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) necessary for riding by engaging students physically, mentally, and emotionally in individual and group activities
Fundamental Sport Skills
Learn to safely mount and dismount
Develop ability to maintain a balanced and relaxed position with proper posture while mounted
Become comfortable changing into a variety of positions and holds while mounted
Develop a foundation towards Equestrian Canada Learn to Ride
Students (Winning Ways Colts) who have ridden before will find “riding” Roko or Blanco is a fun way to learn some new skills that increase balance and confidence!
The Rookie Rider program is meant to be a fun and safe way to introduce kids between 5-11 years of age to riding skills, horses and horsemanship.
Rookie Rider has been developed by nationally certified coaches and will be run by NCCP and Equine Canada certified coach, Kelly Friedrich.
12 week Program includes – Group warm up games
Basic gymnastics on the ground before getting on
Horsemanship skills such as grooming and horse
awareness for safety
Riding and gymnastic skills on a barrel “horse”
Riding a horse on a lunge-line
With these fundamental skills for horseback riding in any discipline the children will finish with a strong foundation to continue in the Learn to Ride program.
At the completion of the program the child will receive a progress report and certificate of completion.

What Rookie Riders will need
• Long pants – yoga, jeans or track pants (less silky fabric makes it easier to balance on the equipment)
• Footwear – boots over the ankle with a heel for riding, running shoes or gymnastic shoes/slippers
• Dress for the weather – layers when cold, and cover for the heat (gloves, sunscreen, toque or sun hat)
• Clothing without straps, belts, strings or hoods that could get caught in equipment
• An ASTM approved Riding Helmet is required for all mounted activities – Winning Ways will provide helmets if necessary
• Snacks and lunch (if your child requires extra energy) and please bring a well filled water bottle
• Parents/guardians will be
required to sign a waiver including your emergency contact information and fill in an Information Sheet to make sure the instructor is aware of any allergies or health conditions that may arise
while your child is in their care