What to do and when!?
March to June

- daily yard chores
- feeding dogs, cats and other small critters
- feeding bales (cutting strings, unrolling) to all animals
- putting miles on saddle horses before calving & lessons start
- checking cows and calves several times a day
- tagging newborn calves daily
- helping students learn about horses
- feeding bottle calves or teaching calves to suck a new or ornery cow
- milking a cow (sometimes)
- pulling a calf (sometimes)
- branding calves
- vaccinating cows
- help with cattle drives
July to September

- riding horses
- yard maintenance
- fence repair
- trail clearing
- help with riding lessons and taking care of riding students
- train young or inexperienced horses
- feed dogs, cats, horses, bottle calves or lambs
- check cow herd 2-3 times a week
- move cattle herds when needed
- lead and assist with trail rides
Mid September to Mid November

- fixing fences (wire and wooden)
- checking cows (water, grass and cows health)
- riding horses, teaching horses
- help preparing horses for riding lessons
- help students learn about horses
- feed dogs, cats, foster calves and lambs
- moving cows, selling cows and/or calves
- vaccinating calves
- cattle drives
Mid November to Mid March

- weaning calves from cows
- vaccinating yearlings
- help with pregnancy check, sorting cows
- moving bales, feeding bales, cutting strings
- checking water bowls
- feeding oats to calves
- feeding dogs, cats and other small critters
- fixing fences if necessary